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Precilaser Laser Welding Machine

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PRECILASER Laser Welding Machine uses high energy of heat that instantaneously produces by laser to melt the special – purpose welding wire and connect it with the damaged parts of the Mould or welding object. So it can connect with the original material firmly, after that there will form a prefacing by electric spark and grind & cutting and some other processing and so the mould is repaired.

*Can repair tiny Parts of The Moulds Such as blisters, crack, burst pieces and Attrition Precisely.
*Small heat affected zone.
*Deep welding makes the connection firm
*Sufficiently Melting Leaves no repairing traces and no concave slot on the joint between raised parts and matrix.
*Economical and Stability.

*Steel- S136, SKD-11, NAK80, 8407, 718, 738, H13, P20, W302  *2344 Titanium  *Nickel  *Tin
*Copper  *Aluminium  *Chromium  *Niobium *Gold  *Silver  *Car alloys
*It is Widely Used in the industries Of Mobile  Phone, Digital, Car and so on.
*It can repair and weld all Kinds of Steel Moulds, Beryllium Copper, red Copper and extremely hard alloy Material.

Popular Model:

200w Normal  / Crane
400w Normal / Crane

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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